没事谈她们作甚?有她们出场的节目不看不就完了么,广电不封杀她哥哥们自己封杀,瞅着实在是闹心!喜欢毛爷爷的相片没错,错在不把男人当回事!如果一头猪会拉金屎,她们都会一拥而上的 作者: iloveqinglvjj 时间: 2010-6-2 20:47 标题: I feel sorry for her
I really feel sorry for her. she is just a girl who wants to be famous. sadly, she made a deal with the devil, and the devil intend to inforce the deal when the girl failed to hold her end of the bargain. 作者: lsehaha 时间: 2010-6-2 21:00